Agenda/Homework 3/10-3/13

Language Arts

Novella: “The Outsiders”

Reading & Discussions (C.W.)

All work is posted on GC and the Whiteboard.

* Chapters I-IV Quiz Assigned 3/6. Quiz 3/11

* Character Charts Presented 3/4. It would be in your best interests if you augmented these regularly.

Please know that all work will be started in class. Incomplete classwork is to be considered as homework for that day- thank you! Do augment your Character Charts regularly- thank you.

Focus: Critical Analysis & Appreciation.

Reading & Discussions (C.W.)

ECW List IV (M-P) Quiz 3/13

All work is posted on GC and the Whiteboard.

Book Talk

- As promised, you will be rewarded with class time to refine & polish work on your book project:).

Moved to 3/17- You are welcome!


Unit: Medieval Europe

Students, herein you will:

  • Understand the cause & course of the religious Crusades & their effects on Christian, Muslim & Jewish populations in Europe

  • Learn about the far-reaching effects of the Bubonic Plague & the impact it had on the population of Europe & Feudalism.

    * Section 2.1 Assigned and Explained 3/11. Due 3/11 at 7 PM. 
    * Section 2.2-2.3 Assigned and Explained 3/12. Due 3/12 at 7 PM

    * Section 2.4 Assigned and Explained 3/13. Due 3/13 at 8 PM. 
    * Section 2.5-2.6 Assigned and Explained 3/17. Due 3/17at 8 PM.

* Section 2.7 Presented and Explained 3/18. Due 3/18 at 7 PM

* Feudalism Study Guide assigned 3/18. Due 3/19.

* Feudalism Test 3/20.

Agenda/Homework 3/3-3/7

Language Arts

Novella: “The Outsiders”

Students, we will begin by meeting Ms. Hinton. This will provide us with some information about the setting. We will then commence reading this fascinating tale that teaches us important life lessons & throws light on the socio-cultural milieu of the time this story was written.

Hinton Timeline Presented & Assigned 3/3. Most work on this assignment needs to be completed in class. You will have a class period to work on your timeline. Use class time judiciously!

Timeline due 3/5

The Outsiders:

Reading & discussions (Classwork)

Work posted on GC & the Whiteboard

Unit: Debates

Focus: Research/Argumentative techniques

Procedures/ Protocols & terms Presented 2/24

Quiz on Terms 2/26.

Research Notecards: Style & layout Presented 2/24

Classwork on Research 2/25-2/26. Spend 20-25 minutes augmenting class work.

Research checked off 2/27

Work on Notecards 2/27-2/28. Spend 20-25 minutes augmenting class work.

Notecards due 3/3 at the beginning of class (Classwork)

Writing Constructive Speeches 3/3-3/4 (Classwork). Typed copy due 3/5.

Polishing Speeches 3/6

Group Colloquims 3/7. Debates begin 3/10

“The Powers That Be” Standards Comprehension Quiz 3/3


Unit: Medieval Europe

Students, herein you will:

-Understand the many political & cultural changes that Europe underwent after the fall of Rome.

-Learn about Charlemagne.

-Understand the structure of the Feudal Society & the Manor System

-Understand & learn about the role of the Catholic Church & its struggle for Power

All work will be started in class. Incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

DBQ Presented 2/27

Work on DBQ 2/27-3/4.

DBQ Due 3/5 @ the beginning of class.

Study Guide Presented 3/5

*Chapter XI Section I Quiz 3/7

  • Polite Reminders:

  • Book Talk due 3/12

Agenda/Homework 2/24-2/28

Language Arts

Unit: Debates

Focus: Research/Argumentative techniques

Procedures/ Protocols & terms Presented 2/24

Quiz on Terms 2/26.

Research Notecards: Style & layout Presented 2/24

Classwork on Research 2/25-2/26. Spend 20-25 minutes augmenting class work.

Research checked off 2/27

Work on Notecards 2/27-2/28. Spend 20-25 minutes augmenting class work.

Notecards due 3/3 at the beginning of class (Classwork)

Writing Constructive Speeches 3/3-3/4 (Classwork). Typed copy due 3/5.

Group Colloquims 3/5. Debates begin 3/6

“The Powers Tha Be” Standards Comprehension Quiz 3/3

  • Study Guide Due 2/27.

Grammar Review (C.W.)

Reading Comprehension (C.W.)

ECW List IV Assigned 2/24. Quiz 2/28

Unit: Medieval Europe

Students, herein you will:

-Understand the many political & cultural changes that Europe underwent after the fall of Rome.

-Learn about Charlemagne.

-Understand the structure of the Feudal Society & the Manor System

-Understand & learn about the role of the Catholic Church & its struggle for Power

All work will be started in class. Incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

* Sections 1.1-1.6 Presented and Explained 2/24. Breakdown on GC.

* Section 2.1-2.3 Presented & Explained 2/26. Breakdown on GC.

Polite Reminders:

  • Work on your Book Talk

Agenda/Homework 2/18-2/21

Language Arts

Focus: Study Sync

Unit: “ The Powers that Be”

Reading Unit: “The Powers that Be.” Students, we will continue to analyze how narratives make us aware of detailed & personal perspectives. We will culminate with group discussions on theme, structure, mood, tone, & characterization.

Work & due dates posted on GC

Test 2/21

* ECW List II Presented 2/11. Quiz 2/18

* ECW List III Presented 2/18. Quiz 2/24

* Book Talk (Feb) Assigned & Presented 2/11. Due 3/12

* Monthly Grammar Review 2/12. Due 3/12


Unit: The Legacies and History of Japan

All work assigned on GC

Agenda/Homework 2/11-2/14

Language Arts

Focus: Study Sync

Unit: “ The Powers that Be”

Reading Unit: “The Powers that Be.” Students, we will continue to analyze how narratives make us aware of detailed & personal perspectives. We will culminate with group discussions on theme, structure, mood, tone, & characterization.

* Writing Analysis Assigned & Explained 2/11. Members of assigned groups need to collaborate. Remember that successful teamwork involves the earmarking & allocation of a set of interdependent assignments that are attempted to the best of one’s ability!

Focus: Revisiting RTL. All work on this assignment will be completed in class!

* ECW List II Presented 2/11. Quiz 2/18

* Book Talk (Feb) Assigned & Presented 2/12. Due 3/12

* Monthly Grammar Review 2/12. Due 3/12


Unit: Heian-Kyo - The Heart of Japan’s Golden Age Final Assessment

Presented & Explained 2/6. All work posted on GC

Polite Reminders:
* Book Talk (Teacher Conferences) Assigned 12/9. Due 2/10

Note: Book Talk Presentations begin 2/10. Do bring your assigned project.

Agenda/Homework 2/3-2/7

Language Arts

Unit: Analyzing Political Cartoons

Focus:  *Understanding Persuasive Appeal

* Understanding the Role of symbolism in Writing

* Political Cartoon Packet Explained & Presented 2/3. Due 2/6.

Summative Assessment: * Working on/designing a Political Cartoon 2/6-2/7. Due 2/7 @ the end of class.

Most of the work on this assignment must be completed in class. You may spend fifteen to twenty minutes at home polishing classwork.

Focus: Study Sync

Reading Unit: “The Powers that Be.” Students, we will continue to analyze how narratives make us aware of detailed & personal perspectives. We will culminate with group discussions on theme, structure, mood, tone, & characterization.

Focus: Revisiting RTL. All work on this assignment will be completed in class!

Monthly Grammar Standards due 2/10

Book Talk

* Book Talk Presented & Explained 12/9. Due 2/10.

Time permitting you may work on your book project in class- you are welcome!


Unit: The Legacies and History of Japan

In-Class Reading, Discussions /Work on Assigned Prompts 1/27-2/5

* Prompts & scheduled due dates posted on GC

Unit: Heian-Kyo - The Heart of Japan’s Golden Age Final Assessment

Presented & Explained 2/6. All work posted on GC

Polite Reminders:

* Monthly Grammar Review 1/10. Standards Assigned 1/10. Due 2/10
* Book Talk (Teacher Conferences) Assigned 12/9. Due 2/10

Agenda/Homework 1/27-1/31

Language Arts

Vocabulary Focus: Root Words

* Lesson III Presented /Explained/ Worksheet Completed 1/27. Due 1/28

Lesson IV Presented /Explained/ Worksheet Completed 1/28. Due 1/29

Lesson V Presented /Explained/ Worksheet Completed 1/29. Due 1/30

Please spend some time at home perusing the given lists.

* Lesson III-V Quiz 1/31

* “Honoring Black History Month”. Work Presented 1/24. Due dates are posted on Google Classroom.

* Classwork on the above project: 1/30-2/3 Due 2/4

* Monthly Grammar Review 1/21. Standards Assigned 1/21. Due 2/18.

Wrapping up “Getting Along” Assignments presented 1/24. Classwork & due dates posted on GC


Unit: The Legacies and History of Japan

In-Class Reading, Discussions /Work on Assigned Prompts 1/27-2/3

* Prompts & scheduled due dates posted on GC

Agenda/Homework 1/21-1/24

Language Arts

Vocabulary Focus: Root Words

* Lesson I Presented /Explained/ Worksheet Completed 1/21. Due 1/22

Lesson II Presented /Explained/ Worksheet Completed 1/22. Due 1/23

* In- Class Review 1/23. Please spend some time at home perusing the given lists.

* Lesson I-II Quiz 1/27

Unit: Getting Along

Please remember to bring your book to class- thank you!

Students, you will have ample class time to work on this unit. You may spend some time at home polishing written responses.

*Reading, Discussions, and Working on Prompts 1/8- 1/24 (Classwork) Students, remember that incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

Please peruse the whiteboard & GC for due dates.


Cumulative Final: Empires of Asia (Korea, Vietnam, Angkor Wat, Khmer Empire)

Work on Study Guide/In-class Review 1/21-1/22. Study Guide due 1/22

In class Review 1/23

Final 1/24

Unit: The Legacies and History of Japan

In-Class Reading, Discussions /Work on Assigned Prompts 1/27-1/31

* Prompts & scheduled/due dates posted on GC

* Study Guide/DBQ Assigned 2/3. Project Presented. You have a choice, choose wisely! Due 2/4.

You will have a week to complete/ get ready to present. Please make judicious use of class time. Thank you!

Unit: Heian-Kyo - The Heart of Japan’s Golden Age

  • * Puppet Show/DBQ & Test. You may opt for either one. 

    Expectations and Schedule posted on GC

You will have a week to complete/ get ready to present. Please make judicious use of class time. Thank you!

Polite Reminders:

* Monthly Grammar Review 1/10. Standards Assigned 1/10. Due 2/10

Book Talk (Teacher Conferences) Assigned 12/9. Due 2/10

Agenda/Homework 1/13-1/17

Language Arts

Book Talk

* Assigned, Presented, and Explained 12/9 Due 2/10.

Vocabulary Focus: Understanding Prefixes & Suffixes.

Work Presented & Explained 1/8. Slide Deck due 1/0 @ the end of class. Please know that you must spend 15 minutes at home reviewing the material. This slide deck will also serve as a study guide for your upcoming test.

* In-Class Review 1/13

* Test 1/14

* Monthly Grammar Review 1/10. Standards Assigned 1/13. Due 2/13

Cross-Curricular Unit: Trailblazers

* Readings & Discussions (CW)

You will have class time to work on the assigned prompts. Incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

Due dates for individual readings will be posted on the whiteboard!

Unit: Getting Along

Please remember to bring your book to class- thank you!

Students, you will have ample class time to work on this unit. You may spend some time at home polishing written responses.

*Reading, Discussions, and Working on Prompts 1/8- 1/22 (Classwork) Students, remember that incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

Please peruse the whiteboard & GC for due dates.


Unit Focus: Understanding the History and Legacy of Vietnam

* Reading and Discussions 1/13.

* Classwork on Slide Deck 1/14

* Slide Deck due 1/14 @ the end of class

Unit Focus: The Legacy and History of the Khmer Empire

* Reading and Discussions 1/15

* Work on Slide Deck 1/16

* Slide Deck due 1/16 @ 5 PM.

Unit Focus: The History and Legacy of Angkor Wat

* Reading and Discussions 1/16

* Work on Slide Deck 1/20

* Slide Deck due 1/20 @ the end of class.

Cumulative Final: Empires of Asia (Korea, Vietnam, Angkor Wat, Khmer Empire)

Work on Study Guide 1/21. Due 1/22

In-class Review 1/22

Final 1/23

Cross-Curricular Unit: Trailblazers

* Readings & Discussions (CW)

You will have time to work on the assigned prompts in class. Incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

Due dates for individual readings will be posted on the whiteboard!

Unit: The Legacies and History of Japan

In-Class Reading, Discussions /Work on Assigned Prompts 1/17-1/23

* Prompts & scheduled/due dates posted on GC

* Study Guide/DBQ Assigned 1/23. Project Presented. You have a choice, choose wisely!

You will have a week to complete/ get ready to present. Please make judicious use of class time. Thank you!

Polite Reminders:

Book Talk Assigned 1/8.

Book Check 1/13

Book Talk ( Teacher Conference) Begin 2/10. Here’s hoping you are enjoying your selected reading:)

Agenda/Homework 1/8-1/10

Language Arts

Book Talk

* Assigned, Presented, and Explained 12/19. Due 2/10.

* Book Check 1/13

Cross-Curricular Unit: Trailblazers

* Readings & Discussions (CW)

You will have class time to work on the assigned prompts. Incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

Due dates for individual readings will be posted on the whiteboard!

Unit: Getting Along

Please remember to bring your book to class- thank you!

Students, you will have ample class time to work on this unit. You may spend some time at home polishing written responses.

*Reading, Discussions, and Working on Prompts 1/8- 1/21 (Classwork) Students, remember that incomplete classwork is to be regarded as the homework for the day!

* Study Guide Assigned 1/14

* In-Class Review 1/21

* Getting Along Packet due 1/21

* Getting Along Unit Test 1/22

Please peruse the whiteboard & GC for due dates.

Vocabulary Focus: Understanding Prefixes & Suffixes.

Work Presented & Explained 1/8. Slide Deck due 1/10 @ the end of class. Please know that you must spend 15 minutes at home reviewing the material. This slide deck will also serve as a study guide for your upcoming test.

In Class Review 1/13

* Quiz 1/14


Unit: Southeast Asia

Unit Focus: Korea

* Reading and Discussions 1/8

* Work on Slide Deck 1/8

* Slide Deck due 1/9 @ the beginning of class

* Korea Symbolism Assigned 1/9. Due 1/13 @ the beginning of class.

Unit Focus: Understanding the History and Legacy of Vietnam

* Reading and Discussions 1/13.

* Classwork on Slide Deck 1/14

* Slide Deck due 1/14 @ 5 PM.

Unit Focus: The Legacy and History of the Khmer Empire

* Reading and Discussions 1/15

* Work on Slide Deck 1/16

* Slide Deck due 1/16 @ 5 PM.

Unit Focus: The History and Legacy of Angkor Wat

* Reading and Discussions 1/17

* Work on Slide Deck 1/17

* Slide Deck due 1/17 @ 7:30 P.M.

Cumulative Final: Empires of Asia (Korea, Vietnam, Angkor Wat, Khmer Empire)

Work on Study Guide 1/21. Due 1/22

In-class Review 1/22

Final 1/23