Agenda/Homework 12/9-12/13

Language Arts

Unit: Writing Focus: Response to Literature

Over the next two weeks, we will work on a literary analysis unit. Our goal will be, not only to analyze but also, to provide an appreciation by the way of a written response. All work will be done in class. All required documents and handouts are posted on Google Classroom for your perusal.


  • Reading and Discussions 12/9

  • Prewrites Assigned & Completed 12/10

  • Break-up:

    - Analyzing a Character/Draft Your Character Analysis

    - Stating your Thesis and writing a Summary Statement

* Work on Rough Draft 12/10. You will have two class periods to work on your draft.

* Self/Peer Edits 12/11.

* Final Copies (Two) Due 12/13.


Focus: A Cross-Curricular Unit

Unit: The Contributions of China to World Civilizations

Project Presented and Explained 12/6. Students, please peruse the examples posted on Google Classroom. Get inspired!

  • Classwork 12/9 - 12/16.

  • Project Due 12/17 at the beginning of class. Please know that you must spend a minimum of twenty minutes at home every day augmenting & polishing classwork. Thank you!

Polite Reminders:

Adopting Families

Dear students, there is no better time than the present to be charitable & giving. It is at this time that “want” is acutely felt. Let us get together& make a few families happy this winter season!

Note to Students: Do remember that all writing related to projects needs to be submitted as a doc on GC and a hard copy needs to be presented to me - thank you.

Kindly bring your In Pursuit book to class every day- thank you!

Agenda/Homework 11/28-12/2

Novella: The Pearl

We are at the end of this novella. We will now culminate our final reading and get ready to present a final project/take a final exam. You see, here you have a choice. Choose wisely…

*The Pearl Chapter VI Reading and Discussions 11/28. Prompts/Vocabulary Presented and Explained 11/28. Classwork on Prompts and Cover 11/29 - 11/30. The packet is due on 12/1 at the beginning of class.

Final/Final Project- Presented & explained 12/1.

Students that opt for the final will be assigned an extensive study guide on 12/1; this will be collected for points on the day before the Final.

Final Study Guide due 12/6. Final 12/7

Final Project due 12/7. All writing pertaining to this project, as with all others, needs to be submitted as a doc on GC and a hard copy needs to be presented to me - thank you.

Hello! As promised, you will have two class periods to work on your book talk.

Unit: Writing Focus: Response to Literature

Over the next two weeks, we will be working on a unit on literary analysis. Our goal, will be, not only to analyze but also, to provide an appreciation by the way of a written response. All work will be done in class. Students, keeping your health & well- being in mind; we will, now try to submit all individual assignments digitally. All required documents and handouts are posted on Google Classroom for your perusal.


  • Reading and Discussions 11/29

  • Prewrites Assigned (11/29-12/1)

  • Break-up:

    - Analyzing a Character/Draft Your Character Analysis 11/29-11/30

    - Stating your Thesis & Writing a Summary Statement 12/1.

* Work on Rough Draft 12/2 -12/5.

* Self/Peer Edits 12/6.

* Final Copies Due 12/7. 

Semester I Final

Your final has been moved from 12/10 to 12/19. You now have extra time to review and brush up on all learned & visited concepts. Your study guide was posted on GC on 11/16. I do hope you’ve had a chance to look at it. Students, the next two units are specifically designed to help you consolidate all learned concepts- you are welcome! You must spend some time every day mulling over all learned concepts.

Book Talk: (October/November)

Hello! As promised, you will have two class periods to work on your book talk the week of 12/5-12/7

* Book Talk due 12/9. Assigned 10/19. All writing pertaining to the project needs to be submitted as a hard copy & on GC


Unit III: American Civilizations

Herein, you will learn to:

*Describe the important accomplishments of the Maya, Aztecs, and the Incas in the areas of science and technology, arts and architecture, and language and writing.

*Respond to critical thinking questions and challenges related to the assigned DBQs.

Focus: The Legacies of Mayan Civilization

*The Geography of Mesoamerica (Section 1.1) Presented & reviewed in class on 11/28.

Reading and Discussion (Classwork) - Notebook assigned. Students, please know that you must complete questions pertaining to the reading for that day. The notebook will be checked off on a daily basis. Here is the break-up:) The notebook, however, needs to be submitted on 12/2 at the end of class on GC.

  • Section 2.2 Assigned 11/29. Due 11/30 at the end of class.

  • Sections 2.3 - 2.4 Assigned 12/1. Due 12/2 at the end of class.

Adopting Families

Dear students, there is no better time than the present to be charitable & giving. It is at this time that “want” is acutely felt. Let us get together& make a few families happy this winter season!

Polite Reminders:

*Extra Credit - History due 12/11

*Extra Credit - Language Arts due 12/17

Note to Students: I reiterate - please remember that all writing related to projects needs to be submitted as a doc on GC and a hard copy needs to be presented to me - thank you

Agenda/Homework 11/18-11/22

Language Arts

Semester I Final

* Study Guide Presented, Explained & Posted 11/12.

  • Study Guide signed off 12/14

  • Semester I Final 12/16.

Students, the next two units are specifically designed to help you consolidate all learned concepts- you are welcome! You must spend some time every day mulling over all learned concepts.

Novella: The Pearl

* Chapter VI Reading & Discussions 11/14-11/15

We are at the end of this novella. We will now culminate our final reading and get ready to present a final project/take a final exam. You see, here you have a choice. Choose wisely…

Classwork on Chapter VI Questions/Cover/Cover Explanation  11/15-11/18 Packet due 11/19

  • Classwork on Poster 11/19-11/21

  • Classwork on Study Guide Due 11/19/20

  • Poster Presentations 11/22

  • Final 11/21

    Polite Reminder

  • If you have opted for the project, please bring a tri-fold poster board to class on Monday. Thank you!

Book Talk: (October/November)

* Book Talk due 12/6. Assigned 10/28. Presentations/Teacher Conferences begin 12/16.

Students, in the coming weeks, you will be rewarded some class time to work on your book project. Ensure that all assigned class work is completed before venturing on to work on the assigned reading task.


Unit III: American Civilizations

Herein, you will learn to:

*Describe the important accomplishments of the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas in the areas of science and technology, arts and architecture, and language and writing.

*Respond to critical thinking questions and challenges related to the assigned DBQs.

Focus: The Legacies of Aztec Civilization

Reading and Discussion (Classwork) - Notebook Assigned. Students, please know that you must complete questions pertaining to the reading for that day. The notebook will be checked off on a daily basis. Here is the break-up:)

  • Section 3.1 Assigned 11/18. Due 11/19 at the beginning of class.

  • Section 3.3 Assigned 11/19. Due 11/20 at the beginning of class.

Focus: The Legacies of Inca Civilization

Reading and Discussion (Classwork) - Notebook Assigned. Students, please know that you must complete questions pertaining to the reading for that day. The notebook will be checked off on a daily basis. Here is the break-up:)

  • Section 1.3 Assigned 11/20. Due 11/21 at the beginning of class.

  • Section 1.4 Assigned 11/21. Due 11/22 at the beginning of class.

Polite Reminders:

* Thanksgiving Break: 11/25-11/29

*Extra Credit - History due 12/8

*Extra Credit - Language Arts due 12/15

Note to Students: I reiterate - please remember that all writing related to projects needs to be submitted as a doc on GC and a hard copy needs to be presented to me - thank you

Agenda/Homework 11/12-11/15

Language Arts

Writing Focus: The Narrative Essay

The next couple of weeks will be spent revisiting concepts learned this year & refreshing our understanding of the basic elements of a good narrative. Students, you will develop your writing in stages. Please do remember that all incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for that day!

Ground Work/Writing Workshop

Class Work Schedule 11/5-11/15

Classwork :

  • Prewriting: Design, Purpose & Audience 11/5. Due 11/6

  • Brainstorming Activity/ Plotline Diagram 11/6. Due 11/7

  • Prewriting: Design, Purpose & Audience 11/8. Checked off 11/12

  • Rough Draft 11/12-11/13

  • Rough Draft (Classwork). Ready for Edits): 10/14

  • . Final Copies (Two) 11/15

Novella: The Pearl

We will be reading this novella in its entirety in class. Students, though the story makes for a simple read, yet, within its simplicity, is a complex tale filled with imagery, symbolism, and thematic significance.

*The Pearl Chapter V Reading and Discussions 11/12-11/13

* Prompts/Vocabulary Assigned and Explained 11/12. Classwork on Prompts 11/13. Due 11/14. Please make judicious use of the time provided. All incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

*Character Charts Assigned and Explained 10/28. Students, you need to continue to augment your character charts on an ongoing basis. All charts will be collected for points at the end of this unit.


Unit III: American Civilizations

Herein, you will learn to:

*Describe the important accomplishments of the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas in the areas of science and technology, arts and architecture, and language and writing.

*Respond to critical thinking questions and challenges related to the assigned DBQs.

Focus: The Legacies of Mayan Civilization

*The Geography of Mesoamerica (Section 1.1) Presented & reviewed in class on 11/12.

Reading and Discussion (Classwork) - Notebook assigned. Students, please know that you must complete questions pertaining to the reading for that day. The notebook will be checked off on a daily basis. Here is the break-up:) The notebook, however, needs to be submitted on 11/15 at the end of class on GC.

  • Section 2.2 Assigned 11/12. Due 11/13 at the end of class.

  • Sections 2.3 - 2.4 Assigned 11/14. Due 11/15 at the end of class.

Polite Reminders:

Monthly Grammar Review 11/5. Standards Assigned 11/5 Due 12/5

Book Talk Assigned 11/1. Due 12/9. Please bring your book to class every day this week. Time permitting, you will be allowed to start/augment written work starting the first week of December- You are welcome!

Pearl Chapters II & III Quiz 11/13. In-class Review 11/12

Agenda/Homework 11/4-11/8

Language Arts

Novella: The Pearl

We will be reading this novella in its entirety in class. Students, though the story makes for a simple read, yet, within its simplicity, is a complex tale filled with imagery, symbolism, and thematic significance.

*The Pearl Chapter IV Reading and Discussions (CW)

Prompts/Vocabulary Assigned and Explained 11/6. Classwork on Prompts 11/6. Due 11/7.

Chapters II & III Quiz

* In-Class Review 11/5

* Quiz (Chapters II & III) 11/6 Review 11/5. Quiz 11/6.

Please make judicious use of the time provided. All incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

*Character Charts Assigned and Explained 10/28. Students, it would help if you continued to augment your character charts on an ongoing basis.

All charts will be collected for points at the end of this unit.

You have ample time to complete all your assigned work in class. Efficient & judicious use of class time will result in little to no homework. Make me proud!

* Monthly Grammar Review 11/4. Standards Assigned 11/5 Due 12/4

* Vocabulary (Classwork). Please save all assigned & graded vocabulary exercises- thank you!

Writing Focus: The Narrative Essay

Focus: The Folktale

The next couple of weeks will be spent revisiting concepts learned this year & refreshing our understanding of the basic elements of a good narrative. Students, you will develop your writing in stages. Please do remember that all incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for that day!

Ground Work/Writing Workshop

Class Work Schedule 11/5-11/8

Classwork :

  • Prewriting: Design, Purpose & Audience 11/5. Due 11/6

  • Brainstorming Activity/ Plotline Diagram 11/6. Due 11/7

  • Prewriting: Design, Purpose & Audience 11/8. Checked off 11/11

  • Rough Draft (Classwork).11/11-11/12 Ready for Edits): 10/14

  • Peer Edits 11/14. Final Copies (Two) 11/15

    Monthly Grammar Review 11/5. Standards Assigned 11/5 Due 12/5


Unit: Africa

All work & Due dates are posted on GC

Study Guide Assigned 11/4.

Quiz 11/7

Polite Reminders:

Extra Credit Assigned for Semester II 10/30. Due 12/8 Please do come to me with all original project ideas that you may want to work on- it would please me immensely to consider & contemplate your ideas

* Book Talk (November) Assigned & Explained 11/4. Due 12/4

Agenda/Homework 10/28-10/31

Language Arts

Novella: The Pearl

We will be reading this novella in its entirety in class. Students, though the story makes for a simple read, yet, within its simplicity, is a complex tale filled with imagery, symbolism, and thematic significance.

Focus: Understanding Setting & the Role it Plays in Plot Development

* Character Charts Assigned and Explained 10/28. Students, you need to continue to augment your character charts on an ongoing basis. All charts will be collected for points at the end of this unit.

* The Pearl Chapter III Reading & Discussions 10/28-29

* Prompts/Vocabulary Assigned and Explained 10/28. Due 10/30

Please continue augmenting the assigned Character Charts

Writing Analysis:

Focus: Understanding the use of symbols, allusion & imagery in writing

Reading: “The Masque of the Red Death” (Classwork). All work & materials pertaining to this reading are posted on GC

Reading & Discussions 10/29.

Classwork: 10/29-10/30. Due 10/31


The Cultural Legacy of West Africa

Students, herein, you will:

* learn about the orature (oral arts), written traditions, music, and visual arts of West Africa

* Learn to describe the importance of written and oral traditions in the transmission of African history and culture

* explain how African cultural achievements of the past continue to shape the world today

-Work Presented & Explained 10/21. Due 10/24 @ the beginning of class

Most work must be completed in class. Incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for that day!

  • DBQ Assigned and Explained 10/24. Classwork on DBQ 10/24 - 10/28. DBQ and its corresponding cover are due 10/29 @ the beginning of class.

-Know that all assigned work is posted on G.Classroom:)

Polite Reminders:
Reading Project (Biography) Presented & Explained 10/2. Due 11/2. Moved to 11/6:)
Happy Halloween!
Happy Diwali!
However, kindly do spend 15-20 minutes reading/working on your book project at home. Thank you!

Monthly Grammar Standards: October Review 9/30. Standards Selected & Assigned 9/30. Due 10/30
* 10/31 Minimum Day

* 11/1 No School

Agenda/Homework 10/21-10/25

Language Arts

Writing Focus: A Perfect Summary.

All writing on standards aligned to this unit will be completed in class.

Reading Focus

Novella: The Pearl

We will be reading this novella in its entirety in class. Students, though the story makes for a simple read, yet, within its simplicity, is a complex tale filled with imagery, symbolism, and thematic significance.

Chapter II Reading & Discussion 10/18.

Prompts Presented & Explained 10/21. Due 10/23

Unit: Understanding Point of View

* Project Assigned & Explained 10/7. Students peruse the given handouts. Collaborating with your group & being mindful of the due date will result in a fine project -one with little to no stress.

-Work on Project 10/7-10/17.
-Script/Backdrops/Props due 10/16. Please know that you do not need to purchase any items. Be creative with what you own!
-Reviews, Readings & Rehearsals 10/17-10/22
-Presentations 10/23. Please adhere to the timeframe provided in class- thank you!

Focus: Biography

Reading Project Presented & Explained 10/2. Due 11/6.


The Cultural Legacy of West Africa

Students, herein, you will:

* learn about the orature (oral arts), written traditions, music, and visual arts of West Africa

* Learn to describe the importance of written and oral traditions in the transmission of African history and culture

* explain how African cultural achievements of the past continue to shape the world today

-Work Presented & Explained 10/21. Due 10/24 @ the beginning of class

Most work must be completed in class. Incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for that day!

  • DBQ Assigned and Explained 10/24. Classwork on DBQ 10/24 - 10/28. DBQ and its corresponding cover are due 10/29 @ the beginning of class.

-Know that all assigned work is posted on G.Classroom:)

Polite Reminders:

Reading Project (Biography) Presented & Explained 10/2. Due 11/2. Moved to 11/6:)
Happy Halloween!
Happy Diwali!
However, kindly do spend 15-20 minutes reading your book at home. Thank you!

Monthly Grammar Standards
October Review 9/30. Standards Selected & Assigned 9/30. Due 10/30

Novella: The Pearl
* The Pearl Chapter II Reading and Discussions 10/18. Prompts checked off 10/23. Use the time provided in class judiciously!

Agenda/Homework 10/14-10/18

Language Arts

Work on Assigned Book Talk: Time permitting, you may work on your assigned book project in class! Do bring your book to class

Unit: Understanding Point of View

* Project Assigned & Explained 10/7. Students peruse the given handouts. Collaborating with your group & being mindful of the due date will result in a fine project -one with little to no stress.

-Work on Project 10/7-10/17.
-Script/Backdrops/Props due 10/16. Please know that you do not need to purchase any items. Be creative with what you own!
-Reviews & Rehearsals 10/16-10/17
-Presentations 10/18. Please adhere to the timeframe provided in class- thank you!

Focus: Biography

Reading Project Presented & Explained 10/2. Due 11/2.

Students, please remember to bring your selected biography to class for approval on 9/7. It will be checked off for points.

Novella: The Pearl

We will be reading this novella in its entirety in class. Students, though the story makes for a simple read, yet, within its simplicity, is a complex tale filled with imagery, symbolism, and thematic significance.

Focus: Understanding Setting & the role it plays in plot development

Chapter One - * In-Class Review 10/10. Quiz 10/15

* The Pearl Chapter II Reading and Discussions 10/14-15. Prompts/Vocabulary Assigned. Due 10/18

* Character Charts Assigned and Explained 10/7. Students, you need to continue to augment your character charts on an ongoing basis. All charts will be collected for points at the end of this unit.

Polite Reminders

  • Book Talk (October)

    • Focus: Biography

      Reading Project Presented & Explained 10/2. Due 11/2. Students, you have had class time to work on this project. Please know that class notes will be checked.

      Monthly Grammar Standards (- these are the standards you selected to review & polish)

      -Monthly Grammar Review 9/30. Standards (October) Assigned 9/30. Due 10/30.

      • Vocabulary (ECW) Presented 10/7. Quiz 10/14

      • Pearl Chapter I Quiz 10/15


      Unit: The Islamic World.

    • Final Project Presented 10/10.

    • Classwork 10/10-10/14.

    • Due 10/15

      The Cultural Legacy of West Africa

      Students, herein, you will:

      * learn about the orature (oral arts), written traditions, music, and visual arts of West Africa

      * Learn to describe the importance of written and oral traditions in the transmission of African history and culture

      * explain how African cultural achievements of the past continue to shape the world today

      -Work Presented & Explained.

      Most work must be completed in class. Incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for that day!

      -Know that all assigned work is posted on Google Classroom:)

Agenda/Homework 10/7-10/10

Language Arts

Work on Assigned Book Talk: Time permitting, you may work on your assigned book project in cla

ss! Do bring your book to class

Unit: Understanding Point of View

* Project Assigned & Explained 10/7. Students peruse the given handouts. Collaborating with your group & being mindful of the due date will result in a fine project -one with little to no stress.

-Work on Project 10/7-10/17.
-Script/Backdrops/Props due 10/16. Please know that you do not need to purchase any items. Be creative with what you own!
-Reviews & Rehearsals 10/16-10/17
-Presentations 10/18. Please adhere to the timeframe provided in class- thank you!

Focus: Biography

Reading Project Presented & Explained 10/2. Due 11/2.

Students, please remember to bring your selected biography to class for approval on 9/7. It will be checked off for points.

Novella: The Pearl

We will be reading this novella in its entirety in class. Students, though the story makes for a simple read, yet, within its simplicity, is a complex tale filled with imagery, symbolism, and thematic significance.

Focus: Understanding Setting & the role it plays in plot development

*Steinbeck Timeline Assigned and Explained. This is an individual assignment. You will have some time in class. However, you may need to supplement your classwork at home. Timeline Assigned 10/2. Due 10/8

* Timeline due 10/8

* The Pearl Chapter I Reading and Discussions 10/7.

* La Paz Questions / Chapter I Prompts & Vocabulary Presented & Explained 10/7. Due 10/10

* In-Class Review 10/10. Quiz 10/14

* Character Charts Assigned and Explained 10/7. Students, you need to continue to augment your character charts on an ongoing basis. All charts will be collected for points at the end of this unit.

Vocabulary: ECW List III Presented & Explained. Quiz 10/15

Work on Assigned Book Talk: Time permitting, you may work on your assigned book project in

class! Book Check 10/9


Unit: Islamic Cultural Legacy

Students, herein you will:

Learn about & be able to describe Muslim contributions to world civilizations in the fields of science & technology, mathematics, medicine, the arts & recreation

Focus: The Contribution of Muslims to World Civilization

Reading/ Discussions/ Working on Assigned Prompts (Classwork)

Slide Deck II presented 10/7. Due 10/10 at the beginning of class.

Polite Reminders

Book Talk (September)

  • Focus: Biography

    Reading Project Presented & Explained 9/26. Due 10/28.

    Monthly Grammar Standards (- these are the standards you selected to review & polish)

    -Monthly Grammar Review 9/24. Standards (September-October) Assigned 9/24. Due 10/28.

Agenda/Homework 9/30-10/4

Language Arts

Monthly Grammar Standards

  • October Review 9/30. Standards Selected & Assigned 9/30. Due 10/30

* C.I.A.B Presentations begin 10/3

* Book Talk (October) Reading Project Presented & Explained 10/3

Focus: Biography

-Library Visit :)

-Book Check 10/8

-Due 10/31.

* Vocabulary ECW List II Presented 9/30. Quiz 10/4

Unit: Understanding Point of View

* Project Assigned & Explained 10/3. Students peruse the given handouts. Collaborating with your group & being mindful of the due date will result in a fine project -one with little to no stress.

-Work on Project 10/3-10/14. Script Handout Due 10/9
-Script/Backdrops/Props due 10/14. Please know that you do not need to purchase any items. Be creative with what you own!
-Reviews & Rehearsals 10/15-10/16
-Presentations 10/17. Please adhere to the timeframe provided in class- thank you!

Novella: The Pearl

We will be reading this novella in its entirety in class. Students, though the story makes for a simple read, yet,within its simplicity, is a complex tale filled with imagery, symbolism, and thematic significance.

*Steinbeck Timeline Assigned and Explained. This is an individual assignment. You will have some time in class. However, you may need to supplement work at home. Timeline Assigned 10/3

* Timeline due 10/7

* Focus: Writing a Perfect Summary (C.W.)


Unit: Islamic Cultural Legacy

Students, herein you will:

Learn about & be able to describe Muslim contributions to world civilizations in the fields of science & technology, mathematics, medicine, the arts & recreation

Focus: The Contribution of Muslims to World Civilization

Reading/ Discussions/ Working on Assigned Prompts (Classwork)

Slide Deck I presented 9/30. Due 10/3 at the beginning of class.

Slide Deck II presented 10/3. Due 10/7at the beginning of class.

Focus: DBQ

Topic: The Three Faiths: Assigned and Presented

* Classwork on DBQ 10/7-10/10. Due 10/11. Check GC for due dates. Thank you!

Polite Reminders:

Book Talk: “Character In A Bag” Assigned & Explained 9/3 Students, this was assigned as a month-long project. Here’s hoping you managed your time well & worked diligently! Reading Project due 10/3. Presentations begin 10/3. Make me proud!🤗

*Monthly Grammar Standards Assigned in August. Due 9/27

* Literary Terms Quiz Study Guide Assigned 9/26. Quiz 10/2

-Dear students, you were requested to save all your assigned spelling handouts. Here’s hoping they are all in one designated section. Please bring your Study Sync book & your selected novel to class every day.

Thank you!