Agenda/Homework 11/12-11/15

Language Arts

Writing Focus: The Narrative Essay

The next couple of weeks will be spent revisiting concepts learned this year & refreshing our understanding of the basic elements of a good narrative. Students, you will develop your writing in stages. Please do remember that all incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for that day!

Ground Work/Writing Workshop

Class Work Schedule 11/5-11/15

Classwork :

  • Prewriting: Design, Purpose & Audience 11/5. Due 11/6

  • Brainstorming Activity/ Plotline Diagram 11/6. Due 11/7

  • Prewriting: Design, Purpose & Audience 11/8. Checked off 11/12

  • Rough Draft 11/12-11/13

  • Rough Draft (Classwork). Ready for Edits): 10/14

  • . Final Copies (Two) 11/15

Novella: The Pearl

We will be reading this novella in its entirety in class. Students, though the story makes for a simple read, yet, within its simplicity, is a complex tale filled with imagery, symbolism, and thematic significance.

*The Pearl Chapter V Reading and Discussions 11/12-11/13

* Prompts/Vocabulary Assigned and Explained 11/12. Classwork on Prompts 11/13. Due 11/14. Please make judicious use of the time provided. All incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

*Character Charts Assigned and Explained 10/28. Students, you need to continue to augment your character charts on an ongoing basis. All charts will be collected for points at the end of this unit.


Unit III: American Civilizations

Herein, you will learn to:

*Describe the important accomplishments of the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas in the areas of science and technology, arts and architecture, and language and writing.

*Respond to critical thinking questions and challenges related to the assigned DBQs.

Focus: The Legacies of Mayan Civilization

*The Geography of Mesoamerica (Section 1.1) Presented & reviewed in class on 11/12.

Reading and Discussion (Classwork) - Notebook assigned. Students, please know that you must complete questions pertaining to the reading for that day. The notebook will be checked off on a daily basis. Here is the break-up:) The notebook, however, needs to be submitted on 11/15 at the end of class on GC.

  • Section 2.2 Assigned 11/12. Due 11/13 at the end of class.

  • Sections 2.3 - 2.4 Assigned 11/14. Due 11/15 at the end of class.

Polite Reminders:

Monthly Grammar Review 11/5. Standards Assigned 11/5 Due 12/5

Book Talk Assigned 11/1. Due 12/9. Please bring your book to class every day this week. Time permitting, you will be allowed to start/augment written work starting the first week of December- You are welcome!

Pearl Chapters II & III Quiz 11/13. In-class Review 11/12