Language Arts
Unit: Debates
Focus: Research/Argumentative techniques
Procedures/ Protocols & terms Presented 2/24
Quiz on Terms 2/26.
Research Notecards: Style & layout Presented 2/24
Classwork on Research 2/25-2/26. Spend 20-25 minutes augmenting class work.
Research checked off 2/27
Work on Notecards 2/27-2/28. Spend 20-25 minutes augmenting class work.
Notecards due 3/3 at the beginning of class (Classwork)
Writing Constructive Speeches 3/3-3/4 (Classwork). Typed copy due 3/5.
Group Colloquims 3/5. Debates begin 3/6
“The Powers Tha Be” Standards Comprehension Quiz 3/3
Study Guide Due 2/27.
Grammar Review (C.W.)
Reading Comprehension (C.W.)
ECW List IV Assigned 2/24. Quiz 2/28
Unit: Medieval Europe
Students, herein you will:
-Understand the many political & cultural changes that Europe underwent after the fall of Rome.
-Learn about Charlemagne.
-Understand the structure of the Feudal Society & the Manor System
-Understand & learn about the role of the Catholic Church & its struggle for Power
All work will be started in class. Incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!
* Sections 1.1-1.6 Presented and Explained 2/24. Breakdown on GC.
* Section 2.1-2.3 Presented & Explained 2/26. Breakdown on GC.
Polite Reminders:
Work on your Book Talk