Agenda/Homework 1/13-1/17

Language Arts

Book Talk

* Assigned, Presented, and Explained 12/9 Due 2/10.

Vocabulary Focus: Understanding Prefixes & Suffixes.

Work Presented & Explained 1/8. Slide Deck due 1/0 @ the end of class. Please know that you must spend 15 minutes at home reviewing the material. This slide deck will also serve as a study guide for your upcoming test.

* In-Class Review 1/13

* Test 1/14

* Monthly Grammar Review 1/10. Standards Assigned 1/13. Due 2/13

Cross-Curricular Unit: Trailblazers

* Readings & Discussions (CW)

You will have class time to work on the assigned prompts. Incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

Due dates for individual readings will be posted on the whiteboard!

Unit: Getting Along

Please remember to bring your book to class- thank you!

Students, you will have ample class time to work on this unit. You may spend some time at home polishing written responses.

*Reading, Discussions, and Working on Prompts 1/8- 1/22 (Classwork) Students, remember that incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

Please peruse the whiteboard & GC for due dates.


Unit Focus: Understanding the History and Legacy of Vietnam

* Reading and Discussions 1/13.

* Classwork on Slide Deck 1/14

* Slide Deck due 1/14 @ the end of class

Unit Focus: The Legacy and History of the Khmer Empire

* Reading and Discussions 1/15

* Work on Slide Deck 1/16

* Slide Deck due 1/16 @ 5 PM.

Unit Focus: The History and Legacy of Angkor Wat

* Reading and Discussions 1/16

* Work on Slide Deck 1/20

* Slide Deck due 1/20 @ the end of class.

Cumulative Final: Empires of Asia (Korea, Vietnam, Angkor Wat, Khmer Empire)

Work on Study Guide 1/21. Due 1/22

In-class Review 1/22

Final 1/23

Cross-Curricular Unit: Trailblazers

* Readings & Discussions (CW)

You will have time to work on the assigned prompts in class. Incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!

Due dates for individual readings will be posted on the whiteboard!

Unit: The Legacies and History of Japan

In-Class Reading, Discussions /Work on Assigned Prompts 1/17-1/23

* Prompts & scheduled/due dates posted on GC

* Study Guide/DBQ Assigned 1/23. Project Presented. You have a choice, choose wisely!

You will have a week to complete/ get ready to present. Please make judicious use of class time. Thank you!

Polite Reminders:

Book Talk Assigned 1/8.

Book Check 1/13

Book Talk ( Teacher Conference) Begin 2/10. Here’s hoping you are enjoying your selected reading:)