Language Arts
Vocabulary Focus: Root Words
* Lesson I Presented /Explained/ Worksheet Completed 1/21. Due 1/22
Lesson II Presented /Explained/ Worksheet Completed 1/22. Due 1/23
* In- Class Review 1/23. Please spend some time at home perusing the given lists.
* Lesson I-II Quiz 1/27
Unit: Getting Along
Please remember to bring your book to class- thank you!
Students, you will have ample class time to work on this unit. You may spend some time at home polishing written responses.
*Reading, Discussions, and Working on Prompts 1/8- 1/24 (Classwork) Students, remember that incomplete classwork is to be regarded as homework for the day!
Please peruse the whiteboard & GC for due dates.
Cumulative Final: Empires of Asia (Korea, Vietnam, Angkor Wat, Khmer Empire)
Work on Study Guide/In-class Review 1/21-1/22. Study Guide due 1/22
In class Review 1/23
Final 1/24
Unit: The Legacies and History of Japan
In-Class Reading, Discussions /Work on Assigned Prompts 1/27-1/31
* Prompts & scheduled/due dates posted on GC
* Study Guide/DBQ Assigned 2/3. Project Presented. You have a choice, choose wisely! Due 2/4.
You will have a week to complete/ get ready to present. Please make judicious use of class time. Thank you!
Unit: Heian-Kyo - The Heart of Japan’s Golden Age
* Puppet Show/DBQ & Test. You may opt for either one.
Expectations and Schedule posted on GC
You will have a week to complete/ get ready to present. Please make judicious use of class time. Thank you!
Polite Reminders:
* Monthly Grammar Review 1/10. Standards Assigned 1/10. Due 2/10
Book Talk (Teacher Conferences) Assigned 12/9. Due 2/10