Language Arts
Focus: Study Sync
Unit: “ The Powers that Be”
Reading Unit: “The Powers that Be.” Students, we will continue to analyze how narratives make us aware of detailed & personal perspectives. We will culminate with group discussions on theme, structure, mood, tone, & characterization.
* Writing Analysis Assigned & Explained 2/11. Members of assigned groups need to collaborate. Remember that successful teamwork involves the earmarking & allocation of a set of interdependent assignments that are attempted to the best of one’s ability!
Focus: Revisiting RTL. All work on this assignment will be completed in class!
* ECW List II Presented 2/11. Quiz 2/18
* Book Talk (Feb) Assigned & Presented 2/12. Due 3/12
* Monthly Grammar Review 2/12. Due 3/12
Unit: Heian-Kyo - The Heart of Japan’s Golden Age Final Assessment
Presented & Explained 2/6. All work posted on GC
Polite Reminders:
* Book Talk (Teacher Conferences) Assigned 12/9. Due 2/10
Note: Book Talk Presentations begin 2/10. Do bring your assigned project.